Design and Analysis of Experiments – Montgomery – 6th Edition


This work is aimed at engineers, scientists and probability experts; provides an approach to design, conduct and analyze experiments that optimize product quality and performance. The fractional factorial and factorial designs are analyzed, presenting the new analysis techniques as the generalized linear model.

Likewise, it offers a comprehensive study of the experiments with random factors, the response surface methodology, the experiments with mixtures and the methods for studies of process robustness. It includes the support of software tools such as Design Expert and Minitab referenced in the text, besides having web page with additional resources to students and teachers.

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  • - Introduction
    - Simple Comparative Experiments
    - Experiments with a single factor: Analysis of variance
    - Randomized Blocks, Latin Squares and Related Designs
    - Introduction to factorial designs
    - 2k factorial design
    - Block formation and confusion in 2k factorial design
    - Fractional factorial designs of two levels
    - Fractional factorial and factorial designs with three mixed levels
    - Adjustment of regression models
    - Response surface methods and other approaches to process optimization
    - Experiments with random factors
    - Nested designs and subdivided plots
    - Other topics of design and analysis
  • Citation

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