Comprehensive Stress Management – Jerrold S. Greenberg – 12th Edition


Comprehensive Stress Management helps students identify, understand, and manage the stressors that most affect their lives. Written in an informal, anecdotal style, the text presents the latest research findings on the physical, psychological, sociological, and spiritual aspects of stress.

The text also provides an in-depth discussion of a wide variety of coping skills, including relaxation techniques, behavior change interventions, and strategies for defusing physiological arousal. This engaging, easy-to-read text gives students the tools they need to cope with stress in an increasingly stressful world. Accompanying the text are instructor and student resources on the Online Learning Center.

This engaging and easy-to-read text helps students identify, understand, and combat the stressors that most aect their lives. In an informal, anecdotal style, author Jerrold Greenberg discusses the latest research ndings on the physical, psychological, sociological, and spiritual aspects of stress, as well as the appropriate coping skills.

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  • Part 1. Scientific Foundations
    Part 2. General Applications: Life-Situation and Perception Interventions
    Part 3. General Applications: Relaxation Techniques
    Part 4. General Applications: Physiological Arousal and Behavior Change Interventions
    Part 5. Specific Applications
  • Citation

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