Comprehensive Stress Management – Jerrold S. Greenberg – 10th Edition


This engaging and easy-to-read text helps students identify, understand, and combat the stressors that most affect their lives. In an informal, anecdotal style, author Jerrold Greenberg discusses the latest research findings on the physical, psychological, sociological, and spiritual aspects of stress, as well as the appropriate coping skills.

– New ”Coping in Today’s World” boxes bring current and interesting additional material related to the chapter to the book, including discussions of environmental noise and stress, life satisfaction, eects of brain neuroplasticity and stress, laughter clubs to cope with stress, complementary and alternative medicine, new technology and stress, hospital clowns to help patients cope with their illnesses, the Health Belief Model, health disparities, American workers’ vacation days and lunch times compared to other countries’ workers, ethical violations by college students, and marriage and stress

– An additional 10 new Lab Assessments provide more opportunity for students to explore their own stressors and related behaviors, and ensures that there is a least one Lab Assessment per chapter.

– New full-color design engages students with content and facilitates learning.

– Updated key new information throughout includes coverage of current research ndings on locus of control demonstrating the relationship between locus of control and breast cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, sick leave from work, and response to a diagnosis of human papillomavirus; ndings related to autogenics and cancer, multiple sclerosis, coronary angioplasty, anxiety, drug abuse, menstrual discomfort, scoliosis, and dyspnea (painful breathing), and the new MyPyramid and nutrition guidelines.

– Two new scales help students apply concepts to their own lives. In Chapter 6, a new scale helps readers identify how satised they are with their lives, which challenges readers to take action to improve their lives so they are more satised resulting in less stress. In Chapter 8, a new scale measures readers perceptions of their purpose and meaning in life, innerness or inner resources, unifying interconnectedness, and transcendence.

– References have been updated throughout the book. Over 120 current references—most from the year 2000 and later—have been added, and outdated references omitted.

– The online companion workbook, Your Personal Stress Prole and Activity Workbook, 4th edition, includes a wealth of activities for managing stress. Workbook icons in the text margin let students know when to refer to the workbook.

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  • Part 1. Scientific Foundations
    Part 2. General Applications: Life-Situation and Perception Interventions
    Part 3. General Applications: Relaxation Techniques
    Part 4. General Applications: Physiological Arousal and Behavior Change Interventions
    Part 5. Specific Applications
  • Citation

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