C++ for Business Programming – John C. Molluzzo – 2nd Edition


This book provides a highly readable introduction to C++ programming for beginning business programmers. It guides readers through complete and clear descriptions of sample programs, with a wealth of exercises included along the way to help reinforce the important points of each chapter.

This text provides a student-friendly, highly readable introduction to C++ programming for beginning programming students, especially those majoring in Information Systems and Business. It guides readers through complete and clear descriptions of sample programs, with a wealth of exercises included along the way to help reinforce the important points of each chapter. Throughout the text, a strong emphasis is placed on business applications, rather than those in mathematics or computing.

Throughout the text, a strong emphasis is placed on business applications, rather than those in mathematics or computing.

Part I (Basic C++) covers the procedural parts of C++. Part II (Object-Oriented Concepts and Programming) introduces object-oriented ideas through the built-in string class. Part III (Object-Oriented Programming) explores the essential object-oriented ideas through inheritance and polymorphism. For beginning programmers using C++ for business.

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  • I. Basic C++
    1. Introduction to C++
    2. Real Numbers
    3. Iteration
    4. Decision Making
    5. Functions
    6. Arrays
    7. Pointers and C-Strings
    8. Pointers, Arrays, and Functions
    9. User-Defined Data Types and Tables

    II. Object-Oriented Concepts and Programming
    10. The string Class; An Introduction to Classes and Objects
    11. Programmer-Defined Classes and Objects
    12. Manipulating Objects
    13. Inheritance
    14. Files
    15. Special Topics; Friends, Operator Overloading, Macros and Inline Functions

    A. Computers and Data
    B. Program Control
  • Citation
    • Full Title: C++ for Business Programming
    • Author/s:
    • ISBN-10: 0130467006
    • ISBN-13: 9780130467003
    • Edition: 2nd Edition
    • Publication date: 2005
    • Topic: Computer
    • Subtopic: C Programming
    • File Type: eBook
    • Idioma: English

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