Auditing and Assurance Services – Alvin A. Arens, Randal J. Elder, Mark S. Beasley – 15th Edition


Containing the solutions and answers to the exercises, review questions, problems, and case studies in the textbook, this study aid is perfect for college student taking difficult classes.When you purchase this solution manual, you’ll be given access to a downloadable file that is instantly available. This solution manual will make you a more efficient student, completing homework assignments at an accelerated rate. It can also help you verify that your answers, as well as the reasoning you used, are correct.

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  • 1. The Demand for Audit and Other Assurance Services
    2. The CPA Profession
    3. Audit reports
    4. Professional Ethics
    5. Legal Liability
    6. Audit Responsibilities and Objectives
    7. Audit Evidence
    8. Audit Planning and Analytical Procedures
    9. Materiality and Risk
    10. Internal Control, Control Risk, and Section 404 Audits
    11. Fraud Auditing
    12. The Impact of Information Technology on the Audit Process
    13. Overall Audit Strategy and Audit Program
    14. Audit of the Sales and Collection Cycle: Tests of Controls and Substantive Tests of Transactions
    15. Audit Sampling for Tests of Controls and Substantive Tests of Transactions
    16. Completing the Tests in the Sales and Collection Cycle: Accounts Receivable
    17. Audit Sampling for Tests of details of Balances
    18. Audit of the Acquisition and Payment Cycle: Tests of Controls, Substantive Tests of Transactions, and Accounts Payable
    19. Completing the Tests in the Acquisition and Payment Cycle: Verification of Selected Accounts
    20. Audit of the Payroll and Personnel Cycle
    21. Audit of the Inventory and Warehousing Cycle
    22. Audit of the Capital Acquisition and Repayment
    23. Audit of Cash and Financial Instruments
    24. Completing the Audit
    25. Other Assurance Services
    26. Internal and Governmental Financial Auditing and Operations Auditing
  • Citation

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