Semiconductor Physics And Devices – Donald A. Neamen – 4th Edition


The purpose of the fourth edition of this book is to provide a basis for understanding the characteristics, operation, and limitations of semiconductor devices. In order to gain this understanding, it is essential to have a thorough knowledge of the physics of the semiconductor material. The goal of this book is to bring together quantum mechanics, the quantum theory of solids, semiconductor material physics, and semi-conductor device physics. All of these components are vital to the understanding of both the operation of present-day devices and any future development in the ?eld.

The amount of physics presented in this text is greater than what is covered in many introductory semiconductor device books. Although this coverage is more extensive, the author has found that once the basic introductory and material physics have been thoroughly covered, the physics of the semiconductor device follows quite naturally and can be covered fairly quickly and ef?ciently. The emphasis on the underlying physics will also be a bene?t in understanding and perhaps in developing new semiconductor devices.

Since the objective of this text is to provide an introduction to the theory of semiconductor devices, there is a great deal of advanced theory that is not consid-ered. In addition, fabrication processes are not described in detail. There are a few references and general discussions about processing techniques such as diffusion and ion implantation, but only where the results of this processing have direct im-pact on device characteristics.

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  • CHAPTER 1: The Crystal Structure of Solids
    CHAPTER 2: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
    CHAPTER 3: Introduction to the Quantum Theory of Solids
    CHAPTER 4: The Semiconductor in Equilibrium
    CHAPTER 5: Carrier Transport Phenomena
    CHAPTER 6: Nonequilibrium Excess Carriersin Semiconductors
    CHAPTER 7: The pn Junction
    CHAPTER 8: The pn Junction Diode
    CHAPTER 9: Metal–Semiconductor and Semiconductor Heterojunctions
    CHAPTER 10: Fundamentals of the Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor
    CHAPTER 11: Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor: Additional Concepts
    CHAPTER 12: The Bipolar Transistor
    CHAPTER 13: The Junction Field-Effect Transistor
    CHAPTER 14: Optical Devices
    CHAPTER 15: Semiconductor Microwave and Power Devices
  • Citation

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