This book is intended to help you to prepare for your University of Cambridge International A and AS level physics examinations. It is a revision guide, which you can use alongside yor texbiik as you wor through your course and towards the end when you are revising for your examination.
The guide is slipt into two main parts. Page 13 to 130 cover as examination pages 131 to 287 cover the A2 examination.
– This introduction contains an overview of the As and A2 physics courses and how they are assessed, some advice on revision and advice on taking the examinations
– The content Guidance sections provide a summary of the facts and concepts that you need to know for the as or A2 physics examination.
– The experimental Skills sections explain the data-handling skills you will need to answer some of the questions in the written examinations. It also explains the practical skills that you will need in order to do well in the practical examination paper.
– The Questions and Answers sections contain a specimen examination paper for you to try. There are also two sets of students” answers for each question with typical examiner comments.
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