Modern Control Systems – Richard Dorf, Robert Bishop – 11th Edition


Written to be equally useful for all engineering disciplines, this book is organized around the concept of control systems theory as it has been developed in the frequency and time domains. It provides coverage of classical control employing root locus design, frequency and response design using Bode and Nyquist plots. It also covers modern control methods based on state variable models including pole placement design techniques with full-state feedback controllers and full-state observers.

The book covers several important topics including robust control systems and system sensitivity, state variable models, controllability and observability, computer control systems, internal model control, robust PID controllers, and computer-aided design and analysis. For all types of engineers who are interested in a solid introduction to control systems.

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  • 1. Introduction to Control Systems.
    2. Mathematical Models of Systems.
    3. State Variable Models.
    4. Feedback Control System Characteristics.
    5. The Performance of Feedback Control Systems.
    6. The Stability of Linear Feedback Systems.
    7. The Root Locus Method.
    8. Frequency Response Methods.
    9. Stability in the Frequency Domain.
    10. The Design of Feedback Control Systems.
    11. The Design of State Variable Feedback Systems.
    12. Robust Control Systems.
    13. Digital Control Systems.

    Appendix A: MATLAB® Basics.
    Appendix B: LabVIEW MathScript Basics.

    Appendix C: Symbols, Units, and Conversion Factors.
    Appendix D: Laplace Transform Pairs
    Appendix E: An Introduction to Matrix Algebra
    Appendix F: Decibel Conversion
    Appendix G: Complex Numbers
    Appendix H: z-Transfer Pairs Preface
    Appendix I: Discrete-Time Evaluation of the Time Response
  • Citation

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