Inorganic Chemistry – James E. House – 1st Edition


Inorganic Chemistry provides essential information in the major areas of inorganic chemistry. The author emphasizes fundamental principles—including molecular structure, acid-base chemistry, coordination chemistry, ligand field theory, and solid state chemistry — and presents topics in a clear, concise manner.

Concise coverage maximizes student understanding and minimizes the inclusion of details students are unlikely to use. The discussion of elements begins with survey chapters focused on the main groups, while later chapters cover the elements in greater detail. Each chapter opens with narrative introductions and includes figures, tables, and end-of-chapter problem sets.

This text is ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate-level students enrolled in the inorganic chemistry course. The text may also be suitable for biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, and other professionals who wish to learn more about this subject are.

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    1. Light, Waves, and Atoms
    1.1 Some Early Experiments in Atomic Physics
    1.2 The Nature of Light
    1.3 The Bohr Model
    1.4 Particle-Wave Duality
    1.5 Electronic Properties of Atoms
    1.6 Nuclear Binding Energy
    1.7 Nuclear Stability
    1.8 Types of Nuclear Decay
    1.9 Predicting Decay Modes
    2. Basic Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Structure
    2.1 The Postulates
    2.2 The Hydrogen Atom
    2.3 The Helium Atom
    2.4 Slater Wave Functions
    2.5 Electron Configurations
    2.6 Spectroscopic States
    3. Covalent Bonding in Diatomic Molecules
    3.1 The Basic Ideas of Molecular Orbital Methods
    3.2 The H2+ and H2 Molecules
    3.3 Diatomic Molecules of Second Row Elements
    3.4 Photoelectron Spectroscopy
    3.5 Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules
    3.6 Electronegativity
    3.7 Spectroscopic States for Diatomic Molecules
    4. A Survey of Inorganic Structure and Bonding
    4.1 Structures of Molecules Having Single Bonds
    4.2 Resonance and Formal Charge
    4.3 Complex Structures;A Preview of Coming Attractions
    4.4 Electron Deficient Molecules
    4.5 Structures Having Unsaturated Rings
    4.6 Bond Energies
    5. Symmetry and Molecular Orbitals
    5.1 Symmetry Elements
    5.2 Orbital Symmetry
    5.3 A Brief Look at Group Theory
    5.4 Construction of Molecular Orbitals
    5.5 Orbitals and Angles
    5.5 Simple Calculations Using the Hückel Method


    6. Intermolecular Interactions
    6.1 Dipole Moments
    6.2 Dipole-Dipole Forces
    6.3 Dipole-Induced Dipole Forces
    6.4 London (Dispersion) Forces
    6.5 van der Waals Equation
    6.6 Hydrogen Bonding
    6.7 Cohesion Energy and Solubility Parameters
    7. Ionic Bonding and Structures of Solids
    7.1 Energetics of Crystal Formation
    7.2 Madelung Constants
    7.3 The Kapustinskii Equation
    7.4 Ionic Sizes and Crystal Environment
    7.5 Crystal Structures
    7.6 Solubility of Ionic Compounds
    7.7 Proton and Electron Affinities
    7.8 Structures of Metals
    7.9 Defects in Crystals
    7.10 Phase Transitions in Solids
    7.11 Heat Capacity
    7.12 Hardness of Solids
    8. Dynamic Processes in Inorganic Solids
    8.1 Characteristics of Solid State Reactions
    8.2 Kinetic Models for Reactions in Solids
    8.3 Thermal Methods of Analysis
    8.4 Effects of Pressure
    8.5 Reactions in Some Solid Inorganic Compounds
    8.6 Phase Transitions
    8.7 Reactions at Interfaces
    8.8 Diffusion in Solids
    8.9 Sintering
    8.10 Drift and Conductivity


    9. Acid-Base Chemistry
    9.1 Arrhenius Theory
    9.2 Brønsted-Lowry Theory
    9.3 Factors Affecting Strength of Acids and Bases
    9.4 Acid-Base Character of Oxides
    9.5 Proton Affinities
    9.6 Lewis Theory
    9.7 Catalytic Behavior of Acids and Bases
    9.8 The Hard-Soft Interaction Principle
    9.9 Electronic Polarizabilities
    9.10 The Drago Four-Parameter Equation
    10. Chemistry in Nonaqueous Solvent
    10.1 Some Common Nonaqueous Solvents
    10.2 The Solvent Concept
    10.3 Amphoteric Behavior
    10.4 The Coordination Model
    10.5 Chemistry in Liquid Ammonia
    10.6 Liquid HF
    10.7 Liquid Sulfur Dioxide
    10.8 Superacids


    11. Chemistry of Metallic Elements
    11.1 The Metallic Elements
    11.2 Band Theory
    11.3 Groups IA and IIA
    11.4 Zintl Phases
    11.5 Chemistry of Aluminum and Beryllium
    11.6 First Row Transition Metals
    11.7 Second and Third Row Transition Metals
    11.8 Alloys
    11.9 Chemistry of Transition Metals
    11.10 Lanthanides
    12. Organometallic Compounds of Main Group Metals
    12.1 Preparation of Organometallic Compounds
    12.2 Organometallic Compounds of Group IA Metals
    12.3 Organometallic Compounds of Group IIA Metals
    12.4 Organometallic Compounds of Group IIIA Metals
    12.5 Organometallic Compounds of Group IVA Metals
    12.6 Organometallic Compounds of Group VA Elements
    12.7 Organometallic Compounds of Zn, Cd, and Hg
    13. Chemistry of Nonmetallic Elements I. Hydrogen, Boron, Oxygen and Carbon
    13.1 Hydrogen
    13.2 Boron
    13.3 Oxygen
    13.4 Carbon
    14. Chemistry of Nonmetallic Elements II.
    14.1 Silicon, Germanium, Tin, and Lead
    14.2 Nitrogen
    14.3 Phosphorus, Arsenic, and Antimony
    15. Chemistry of Nonmetallic Elements III. Groups VIA-VIIIA
    15.1 Sulfur, Selenium, and Tellurium
    15.2 Halogens
    15.3 Noble Gases


    Introduction to Coordination Chemistry
    16.1 Structures of Coordination Compounds
    16.2 Metal-Ligand Bonds
    16.3 Naming Coordination Compounds
    16.4 Isomerism
    16.5 A Simple Valence Bond Description of Coordinate Bonds
    16.6 Magnetism
    16.7 A Survey of Complexes of First Row Metals
    16.8 Complexes of Second and Third Row Metals
    16.9 The 18-Electron Rule
    16.10 Back Donation
    16.11 Complexes of Dinitrogen, Dioxygen, and Dihydrogen

    Ligand Fields and Molecular Orbitals
    17.1 Splitting of d Orbital Energies in Octahedral Fields
    17.2. Splitting of d Orbital Energies in Fields of Other Symmetry
    17.3 Factors Affecting 
    17.4 Consequences of Crystal Field Splitting
    17.5 Jahn-Teller Distortion
    17.6 Spectral Bands
    17.7 Molecular Orbitals in Complexes

    Interpretation of Spectra
    18.1 State Splitting
    18.2 Orgel Diagrams
    18.3 Quantitative Methods
    18.4 Racah Parameters
    18.5 The Nephelauxetic Effect
    18.6 Tanabe-Sugano Diagrams
    18.7 The Lever Method
    18.8 Jørgensen’s Method
    18.9 Charge Transfer Absorption

    Composition and Stability of Complexes
    19.1 Composition of Complexes in Solution
    19.2 Job’s Method of Continuous Variations
    19.3 Equilibria Involving Complexes
    19.4 Distribution Diagrams
    19.5 Factors Affecting the Stability of Complexes

    Synthesis and Reactions of Coordination Compounds
    20.1 Synthesis of Coordination Compounds
    20.2 Substitution in Octahedral Complexes
    20.3 Crystal Field Effects
    20.4 Acid Catalyzed Reactions of Complexes
    20.5 Base Catalyzed Reactions of Complexes
    20.6 The Compensation Effect
    20.7 Linkage Isomerization
    20.8 Substitution in Square Planar Complexes
    20.9 The Trans Effect
    20.10 Electron Transfer Reactions
    20.11 Reactions in Solid Coordination Compounds

    Complexes Containing Metal-Carbon and Metal-Metal Bonds
    21.1 Binary Metal Carbonyls
    21.2 Structures of Metal Carbonyls
    21.3 Bonding of Carbon Monoxide to Metals
    21.4 Preparation of Metal Carbonyls
    21.5 Reactions of Metal Carbonyls
    21.6 Structure and Bonding in Metal-Alkene Complexes
    21.7 Preparation of Metal Alkene Complexes
    21.8 Chemistry of Cyclopentadienyl and Related Complexes
    21.9 Reactions of Ferrocene and Other Metallocenes
    21.10 Complexes of Benzene and Related Aromatics
    21.11 Compounds Containing Metal-Metal Bonds
    21.12 Carbonyl Hydrides

    Coordination Compounds in Catalysis and Biochemistry
    22.1 Elementary Steps in Catalysis
    22.2 Homogeneous Catalysis
    22.3 Bioinorganic chemistry.
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