Elements of Deductive Inference – Joseph Bessie, Stuart Glennan – 1st Edition


This text covers elementary logic, the statement of logic through relational logic with identity and function symbols. The authors familiarize students with formal techniques at a level suitable for them, and also go far enough and deep enough into the subject, suitable for a short postgraduate course.

The text includes the complete and brief truth tables, and presents the method of truth (consistency), trees, and natural deduction for the set of elementary logic. The organization of the text allows instructors to cover either statement logic alone, or statement logic combined with various extensions to predicate logic: monadic logic with or without identity, or the earlier more relational logic with or without identity and with or no function symbols.

At each stage, the instructor can choose to follow truth trees and/or natural deduction. A final chapter offers a perspective for your study and applications of logic.

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  • Introduction.
    Statement Logic I: A New Language.
    Statement Logic II: Semantic Methods.
    Statement Logic III: Syntactic Methods.
    Predicate Logic I: Syntax And Semantics.
    Predicate Logic II: Semantic Methods.
    Monadic Predicate Logic III: Syntactic Methods.
    Extensions To L: Identity, Relations And Functions.
  • Citation

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