College Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences – Soo T. Tan – 7th Edition


This text helps you succeed in finite mathematics and applied calculus by using clear explanations, real-life examples, and up-to-date technology. Real-life applications-such as satellite radio subscriptions, Google’s revenue, job outsourcing, and the effects of smoking bans-are drawn from the areas of business and the behavioral, life, and social sciences.

Portfolio profiles give you a firsthand look at how real-world professionals use finite mathematics and applied calculus in their work. You can also take advantage of extensive online support to enhance your learning, including video instruction and interactive tutorials that walk you step by step through examples and problems in the text.

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  • Chapter 1: Straight Lines and Linear Functions
    1.1: The Cartesian Coordinate System (21)
    1.2: Straight Lines (21)
    1.3: Linear Functions and Mathematical Models (25)
    1.4: Intersection of Straight Lines (21)
    1.5: The Method of Least Squares (20)
    1: Chapter Review (17)

    Chapter 2: Systems of Linear Equations and Matrices
    2.1: Systems of Linear Equations: An Introduction (19)
    2.2: Systems of Linear Equations: Unique Solutions (20)
    2.3: Systems of linear Equations: Underdetermined and Overdetermined Systems (19)
    2.4: Matrices (20)
    2.5: Multiplication of Matrices (20)
    2.6: The Inverse of a Square Matrix (20)
    2.7: Leontief Input-Output Model (19)
    2: Chapter Review (16)

    Chapter 3: Linear Programming: A Geometric Approach
    3.1: Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables (20)
    3.2: Linear Programming Problems (20)
    3.3: Graphical Solution of Linear Programming Problems (19)
    3.4: Sensitivity Analysis (20)
    3: Chapter Review (16)

    Chapter 4: Linear Programming: An Algebraic Approach
    4.1: The Simplex Method: Standard Maximization Problems (17)
    4.2: The Simplex Method: Standard Minimization Problems (12)
    4.3: The Simplex Method: Nonstandard Problems (12)
    4: Chapter Review

    Chapter 5: Mathematics of Finance
    5.1: Compound Interest (22)
    5.2: Annuities (20)
    5.3: Amortization and Sinking Funds (20)
    5.4: Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions (19)
    5: Chapter Review (20)

    Chapter 6: Sets and Counting
    6.1: Sets and Set Operations (19)
    6.2: The Number of Elements in a Finite Set (20)
    6.3: The Multiplication Principle (20)
    6.4: Permutations and Combinations (20)
    6: Chapter Review (20)

    Chapter 7: Probability
    7.1: Experiments, Sample Spaces, and Events (19)
    7.2: Definition of Probability (20)
    7.3: Rules of Probability (20)
    7.4: Use of Counting Techniques in Probability (20)
    7.5: Conditional Probability and Independent Events (19)
    7.6: Bayes' Theorem (21)
    7: Chapter Review (20)

    Chapter 8: Probability Distributions and Statistics
    8.1: Distributions of Random Variables (20)
    8.2: Expected Value (20)
    8.3: Variance and Standard Deviation (20)
    8.4: The Binomial Distribution (20)
    8.5: The Normal Distribution (20)
    8.6: Applications of the Normal Distribution (19)
    8: Chapter Review (20)

    Chapter 9: Markov Chains
    9.1: Markov Chains (13)
    9.2: Regular Markov Chains (14)
    9.3: Absorbing Markov Chains (12)
    9: Chapter Review

    Chapter 10: Precalculus Review
    10.1: Exponents and Radicals (27)
    10.2: Algebraic Expressions (26)
    10.3: Algebraic Fractions (23)
    10.4: Inequalities and Absolute Value (27)
    10: Chapter Review

    Chapter 11: Functions, Limits, and the Derivative
    11.1: Functions and Their Graphs (31)
    11.2: The Algebra of Functions (30)
    11.3: Functions and Mathematical Models (23)
    11.4: Limits (30)
    11.5: One-Sided Limits and Continuity (30)
    11.6: The Derivative (30)
    11: Chapter Review (21)

    Chapter 12: Differentiation
    12.1: Basic Rules of Differentiation (30)
    12.2: The Product and Quotient Rules (30)
    12.3: The Chain Rule (30)
    12.4: Marginal Functions in Economics (30)
    12.5: Higher-Order Derivatives (30)
    12.6: Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates (30)
    12.7: Differentials (30)
    12: Chapter Review (21)

    Chapter 13: Applications of the Derivative
    13.1: Applications of the First Derivative (31)
    13.2: Applications of the Second Derivative (30)
    13.3: Curve Sketching (29)
    13.4: Optimization I (30)
    13.5: Optimization II (30)
    13: Chapter Review (21)

    Chapter 14: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
    14.1: Exponential Functions (30)
    14.2: Logarithmic Functions (30)
    14.3: Differentiation of Exponential Functions (30)
    14.4: Differentiation of Logarithmic Functions (31)
    14.5: Exponential Functions as Mathematical Functions (30)
    14: Chapter Review (10)

    Chapter 15: Integration
    15.1: Antiderivatives and the Rules of Integration (29)
    15.2: Integration by Substitution (29)
    15.3: Area and the Definite Integral (18)
    15.4: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (30)
    15.5: Evaluating Definite Integrals (30)
    15.6: Area between Two Curves (29)
    15.7: Applications of the Definite Integral to Business and Economics (15)
    15: Chapter Review (20)

    Chapter 16: Additional Topics in Integration
    16.1: Integration by Parts (29)
    16.2: Integration Using Tables of Integrals (31)
    16.3: Numerical Integration (30)
    16.4: Improper Integrals (30)
    16.5: Applications of Calculus to Probability (30)
    16: Chapter Review (21)

    Chapter 17: Calculus of Several Variables
    17.1: Functions of Several Variables (28)
    17.2: Partial Derivatives (30)
    17.3: Maxima and Minima of Functions of Several Variables (27)
    17.4: Constrained Maxima and Minima and the Method of Lagrange Multipliers (27)
    17.5: Double Integrals (56)
    17: Chapter Review (20)
  • Citation
    • Full Title: College Mathematics for the Managerial Life and Social Sciences
    • Author/s:
    • ISBN-13: 9780495119692
    • Edition: 7th Edition
    • Topic: Math
    • Subtopic: Mathematics
    • File Type: eBook
    • Idioma: English

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