Air Quality Monitoring: Assessment and Management – Nicolás A. Mazzeo – 1st Edition


Human beings need to breathe oxygen diluted in certain quantity of inert gas for living. In the atmosphere; there is a gas mixture of; mainly; oxygen and nitrogen; in appropriate proportions. However; the air also contains other gases; vapours and aerosols that humans incorporate when breathing and whose composition and concentration vary spatially.

Some of these are physiologically inert. Air pollution has become a problem of major concern in the last few decades as it has caused negative effects on human health; nature and properties.

This book presents the results of research studies carried out by international researchers in seventeen chapters which can be grouped into two main sections:
a) air quality monitoring and b) air quality assessment and management; and serves as a source of material for all those involved in the field; whether as a student; scientific researcher; industrialist; consultant; or government agency with responsibility in this area.

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  • Chapter 1: Planning Air Pollution Monitoring Networks in Industrial Areas by Means of Remote Sensed Images and GIS Techniques 3 Mauro Rotatori, Rosamaria Salvatori and Roberto Salzano

    Chapter 2: Design of Urban Air Quality Monitoring Network: Fuzzy Based Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach 25 Abdullah Mofarrah, Tahir Husain and Badr H. Alharbi

    Chapter 3: Malodor Detection Based on Electronic Nose 41 Teerakiat Kerdcharoen, Chatchawal Wongchoosuk and Panida Lorwongtragool

    Part 2
    Chapter 4 :Air Quality Assessment and Management

    Chapter 5: Characterization of Particles Transmitted by Wind from Waste Dump of Phosphatic Fertilizers Plant Deposited on Biological Sample Surfaces 93 M.I. Szynkowska, A. Pawlaczyk and J. Rogowski

    Chapter 6: Role of the Ionic Component and Carbon Fractions in the Fine and Coarse Fractions of Particulate Matter for the Identification of Pollution Sources: Application of Receptor Models 109 Pierina Ielpo, Claudia Marcella Placentino, Isabella Cafagna, Gianluigi de Gennaro, Martino Amodio, Barbara Elisabetta Daresta and Alessia Di Gilio

    Chapter 7: Monitoring and Reporting VOCs in Ambient Air Anjali Srivastava and Dipanjali Majumdar

    Chapter 8: Estimated Atmospheric Emissions from Mobile Sources and Assessment of Air Quality in an Urban Area

    Chapter 9: Applications of Remote Sensing Instruments in Air Quality Monitoring

    Chapter 10: The Surveillance of the Air Quality in the Vicinity of an Active Volcano: Case of the Piton de la Fournaise

    Chapter 11: Remote Zones Air Quality - Persistent Organic Pollutants: Sources, Sampling and Analysis
    Chapter 12: Asian Dust Storm as a Natural Source of Air Pollution in East Asia. its Nature, Aging, and Extinction

    Chapter 13: Genetic Biomarkers Applied to Environmental Air Quality: Ecological and Human Health Aspects

    Chapter 14: An Evaluation of Atmospheric Aerosols in Kanana, Klerksdorp Gold Mining Town, North-West Province of South Africa Brighton Kaonga and Eno E. Ebenso

    Chapter 15: Some Guidelines to Improve Air Quality Management in Santiago, Chile: From Commune to Basin Level

    Chapter 16: Multi-Year Assessment of Airborne Metals in Fallon, Nevada, using Leaf-Surface Chemistry

    Chapter 17: Organic Compounds in Airborne Particles and their Genotoxic Effects in Mexico City 3
  • Citation

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