The PHP Anthology – Davey Shafik – 2nd Edition


The PHP Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks, 2nd Edition is a collection of powerful PHP 5 solutions to the most common programming problems.

Featuring best-practice code and a commonsense approach to development, this book includes coverage of:
– Manage errors gracefully.
– Build functional forms, tables, and SEO-friendly URLs.
– Reduce load time with client- and server-side caching.
– Produce and utilize web services with XML.
– Secure your site using access control systems.
– Easily work with files, emails, and images.
– And much more

The question and answer format will allow you to to quickly find and reference any of the 101 solutions, saving you hours of Internet research or painful trial & error. All solutions are fully explained and the ready-to-use code is available for download.

Each chapter of this book is laid out in a problem-solution format. We’ll start with a common PHP problem that you may face, and then provide a concise solution to that problem. In some cases, when the topic warrants it, we’ll give you a brief discussion of the solution to provide context.

The chapters are grouped to cover the major areas of PHP. Inside, you’ll find solutions to the most common challenges that PHP developers face.

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